A Charge To Keep We Have

Oct 8, 2023    Milton Bunting

Welcome to When Ebenezer Talks: Sunday Conversations, where we delve into the profound teachings of Pastor Milton Bunting. In this enlightening episode, Pastor Bunting passionately expounds on the timeless biblical message titled "A Charge to Keep I Have," drawing inspiration from the Gospel of Matthew (19:13-15).

Join us as Pastor Bunting skillfully navigates the scriptures, unraveling the rich narrative of Matthew 19:13-15. Through his dynamic preaching, he guides us to a deeper understanding of the charge that resonates within each of us—a divine call to embrace and fulfill our purpose.

As Pastor Bunting weaves through the verses, he unpacks the significance of the message and its relevance to our lives today. Expect to be inspired, challenged, and uplifted as he encourages us to heed the charge before us with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication.

Whether you're a seasoned believer or someone exploring spirituality, this episode promises to ignite your spirit and leave you with a fresh perspective on the charge we all carry. Tune in, and let Pastor Milton Bunting's insightful preaching illuminate your journey of faith.